Financial Literacy Curriculum
ACG understands that assets build community and ACG greatest assets are its residents. It is because of this that ACG recently developed a financial fitness curriculum which currently includes ten classes on budgeting, banking, credit & debt management, savings & investing, insurance, college preparation, taxes and homeownership.
In 2010, ACG participated as part of a national NeighborWorks® effort with AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers to help the community development field strengthen and revitalize communities facing unprecedented challenges in the wake of the foreclosure crisis and recession. During this time ACG worked with a VISTA volunteer to focus on issues impacting low-to-moderate income families in Bexar County, including bolstering financial fitness and asset building.
To date, ACG has had over 200 residents participate in the financial fitness courses. After taking one or more classes, 15% of all class participants have opened savings or asset building accounts within a 6 month period. Residents have also shared testimonies that can confirm positive behavioral changes as a result of their attendance.