To start the application process for NeighborhoodLIFT down payment assistance, you will need to make an appointment to assess your eligibility for the program. Please read and follow the instructions below.

Get Started

Currently disabled.

Attention: The system used to schedule appointments will be temporary down Saturday morning, March 21, 2015 until the afternoon of Wednesday, March 25, 2015. If you are looking to schedule an appointment, please try back on the morning of Thursday, March 26, 2015. Thank you!


1.   Appointments are only available online on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointment slots are limited to funds available. NOTE: Appointments CANNOT be made by phone.

2. The number of available appointments matches the currently available funds. Once these appointments are filled, the only open appointments will come as a result of a cancellation. No waiting list will be kept—buyers should check the registration site frequently for any new availability.

3. Submit two (2) required documents below within 24 hours of making your appointment. Documents must be submitted to PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE EMAIL. Failure to submit these documents within 24 hours or incomplete documents will automatically cancel your appointment. You will need to be able to submit electronic copies of the following documents:

a.. Mortgage Preapproval from a NeighborhoodLIFT Approved Lender (REQUIRED)
b. Signed purchase and sale agreement, 1st, 2nd and signature pages (signed by all parties) (REQUIRED)
c. Homebuyer education certificate, if it was completed within the past twelve months (note: successful completion of the eight-hour HBE course is required prior to closing)

Your lender or real estate professional may be able to assist you with submitting these documents online.

4. We will confirm scheduled appointment requests within 48 business hours from receipt of all documents. You will receive an email accepting the scheduled date and time—the email will state that your “appointment was accepted.” This is NOT a confirmation of your eligibility for the program.

5. If you fail to submit all required documents within 24 hours, your appointment request will be cancelled. If you submit only partial documentation, your appointment request will be cancelled. You will receive an email letting you know your appointment request was cancelled.

6. Attend your appointment to confirm eligibility with the necessary documents in hand. If you do not bring the required documents (listed below) to your appointment or you fail to show up for your appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will be required to schedule a new appointment if/when appointments become available.

7. You will receive a NeighborhoodLIFT Eligibility Letter if you meet the eligibility requirements and your required documentation is confirmed.

8. Your lender must submit all required documents to Alamo Community Group no less than seven (7) days prior to your closing date.

For more information, please see our FAQ page.

List of Required Income Documents for Eligibility Determination Meeting

The following documentation is required for each employed household member age 18 and older.

Please bring all applicable documents with you to your Eligibility Determination appointment. Failure to bring all required documents with you to your appointment will result in your appointment being cancelled and you will have to start the process over again if/when appointments become available.

– Preapproval letter from a participating lender.

– Full signed purchase and sale agreement

– 60 days of pay stubs with year to date information for all jobs worked by each household member age 18 and older

– Proof of any and all other income received by each household member age 18 and older, such as Social Security Award letter, retirement pension, proof of unemployment income, death or disability payments, divorce/court decree for alimony and/or child support, etc.

– Recent 2 months of personal and business bank statements

– Federal tax returns for the past two years (1040s)

– W-2s for the past two years

– Current Profit and Loss Statement for self-employed individuals

– Proof of full time student status, for individuals age 18 and older who receive income but also attend school full time (statement from school/institution with dates of attendance or specific reference to upcoming school term, and confirmation of full time status)